Recycle for Business
All businesses in NYC are now required to recycle metal, glass, plastic, beverage cartons, paper, cardboard, as well as certain other items depending on business size and type. Below are items or types of items that businesses are required by law to recycle.

Metal All Kinds
Metal cans (including soup and food cans, empty aerosol cans, dried-out paint cans)
Aluminum foil and foil products (wrap and trays)
Metal caps and lids
Industry-specific metal (such as wire hangers, pots, tools, curtain rods, small appliances that are mostly metal, etc.)
Large or bulky metal items (furniture and cabinets; large appliances such as microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, etc.)
Glass bottles
Glass jars
What to Recycle: Textiles, Yard, and Food Waste
Some businesses that generate textile, yard and/or food waste must separate and recycle those materials. If your business does not meet the minimum threshold described, we still encourage you to limit the amount of waste your business sends to landfills by investigating how to reduce, reuse, or recycle all materials.

Rigid Plastic
Plastic bottles, jugs, and jars
Rigid plastic caps and lids
Rigid plastic food containers (such as yogurt, deli, ”clamshell” containers and other plastic take-out containers)
Rigid plastic non-food containers
Rigid plastic packaging (such as "blister-pack" and "clamshell" consumer packaging, acetate boxes)
Rigid plastic wares (such as flower pots, mixing bowls, and plastic appliances)
Bulk rigid plastic (like crates, buckets, pails, and furniture)
Note: Rigid plastic is any item that is mostly plastic resin—it is relatively inflexible and maintains its shape or form when bent.
Coated cardboard cartons or boxes (such as milk or juice cartons)
Drink boxes
Gable-top cartons
Aseptic packaging (holds beverages and food: juice, non-refrigerated milk, soup, etc.)
Newspapers, magazines, catalogs
White and colored paper (including lined, copier, and computer paper; staples are ok)
Mail and envelopes (any color; window envelopes are ok)
Paper bags (handles ok)
Wrapping paper
Soft-cover books (such as paperbacks and comics; no spiral bindings)
Smooth cardboard (such as food and shoe boxes, tubes, file folders, and cardboard from product packaging)
Cardboard egg cartons and trays
Pizza boxes (remove and discard soiled liner)Corrugated cardboard boxes